Before I Go Berserk, Hon: Tumultuous Love Letters, Comfort Women with VD, and 4 Ton Wreckers
Kathy and Christine started a 12-part series of some of their favorite Jack Cavazzi love letters.
Christine posted six of her favorites. Now, here are Kathy's.

Letter 11 in a series of 12.
May 2, 1953
Songwhan, Korea
Dearest Anne,
Hello Darling. How is my baby today? I sure do miss you hon. I’m trying to get used to being away from you but I can’t do it. I guess I’ll just have to suffer.
I just had chow and I’m writing now because I want to take a shower tonight. You know we have to go a long way to take one.
Two more trainloads of ammo came in last night. Boy we have almost a million tons of ammo here now. That’s a hell of a lot of work. I don’t mind though because it passes the time.
How did you like the poem? Boy what a ham. When I read it over I almost ripped the letter up. It was too late to write another one so I changed my mind.
Gee hon, I thought you would have had the baby by now. What are you doing, holding out? I’m all on edge. I am getting as nervous as all.
I wish something would happen around here, I’m going nuts. Boy is it boring. I guess I’ll get used to it.
Hon how about rushing me some pictures. Some of you and the baby. By the time you receive this letter you should have had the baby by then.
Baby, I’ll finish this tonight. Maybe by then I’ll have something to say. Besides I’ll be in a more romantic mood. Bye.
Hello Hon.
Well I said maybe something would happen so that I could write tonight. Something did! Someone stole my wallet. They took the $30. dollars I had kept for myself. I don’t know who it was but if I catch him it’s going to be his a--. I’m so disgusted I could kill someone. I’m sorry hon but I couldn’t help it. Lucky I had the $50. I was going to send you in my foot locker. I won’t be able to send it now hon because I don’t get paid until the 1st of June. I really am sorry hon. I felt so good yesterday. I knew you would be surprised when I sent it. I figured it would make you feel kind of proud of me. I wanted to show you that I could save. Well it’s done and there’s nothing I can do now. I’ll be more careful the next time though.
I bought a new wallet. The other one fell apart. It’s nice. Has room for about 20 pictures so let’s fill it up. Okay?
Tomorrow is Sunday. I’m going to church in the morning. They give us an hour off to go. The mass only lasts 15 minutes and besides it’s a Protestant preacher. Better than none at all. There is no confession. Of course we work all day Sunday. I haven’t had a day off yet and I have been in the company for a month. I wouldn’t know what to do with a day off anyway.
Honey I’m in a lousy mood because of that money. I’m really P.O.’d.
Between being away from you and waiting for the baby and putting up with the shit that we get around here, I’m about crazy
Well babe I’ll close with all my love.
P.S. You know